Starring: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, John Malkovich, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton. Rated R.
How depressing it is to see
Frances McDormand, whose unaffected folksiness only partially masked her
incisive smarts in Fargo, play such a
grating, superficial halfwit in Ethan and Joel Coen’s latest black comedy, Burn
After Reading. McDormand is Linda Litzke,
a middle-aged administrator at the Hardbodies gym who idles away her days
dreaming of the cosmetic surgery that will reinvigorate her love life. She
scours the Internet for the right man, but the dating sites are littered with
losers and married types up for a fling.
Linda is a loser, too – for
someone whose grasp on reality is tenuous at best, it’s one of the few concepts
she seems to understand – but that hardly distinguishes her from any of the
self-obsessed dopes who inhabit the oddly disconnected universe of Burn
After Reading. This is a movie filled with
gross caricatures incapable of hearing each other over the noise of their own
empty-headed chatter.
Usually for better and rarely for
worse, the Coen brothers have been down this road before. Their most inspired
comedies, The Big Lebowski and O
Brother Where Art Thou, follow the
misadventures of good-natured layabouts thrust into situations they can barely
comprehend, much less handle. Here, the brothers weave an elaborate,
misanthropic web of desperation and betrayal around a group of characters so
jaded they take no real pleasure from their artless deceptions and sordid
affairs. Imagine how we feel.
Burn After Reading has been marketed
as a screwball comedy, thanks in no
small part to Brad Pitt’s exaggerated posturing as Chad, a goofball fitness
instructor who thinks he has stumbled onto classified government secrets. (He
hasn’t.) It’s a performance long on tongue-in-cheek exuberance but short on laughs. Chad is all
spastic tics and vacuous pronouncements (“Aw, that’s cool!”), an overgrown
child who approaches life as a never-ending pep rally. Pitt throws himself into
the role admirably, but it’s a waste of energy.
Yet for all his shortcomings, Chad
is at least genial. The same cannot be said of Osborne Cox (John Malkovich), a
hard-drinking, Princeton-educated analyst unceremoniously dumped by the C.I.A.,
or his cold-blooded wife (Tilda Swinton). Trapped in a loveless marriage and
humiliated by his wife’s infidelities, Osborne seems a sympathetic figure until
he opens his mouth. Slightly less repugnant is George Clooney’s sex-addicted
U.S. marshal, Harry Pfarrer, whose rugged good looks make women swoon even when
his incessant, self-absorbed babble grows stale.
The Coens wrote Burn After
Reading around the same time they authored
their Oscar-winning screenplay for No Country for Old Men, and if No Country
was a bleak meditation on the hard realities of living and dying in a merciless
world, Burn comes across as a tone-deaf
parody that leaves you cold.
All the ingredients are there –
the graphic (and, in this case, strangely incongruous) bursts of violence, the
rapidly rising body count, even the ominous score by Carter Burwell. But while No
Country had some respect for its
characters – and so, then, did we
– Burn After Reading holds its own up
to ridicule and disposes of them with a
shrug of indifference. By the time J.K. Simmons arrives to offer a ho-hum
summation that feels like a cynical retort to Tommy Lee Jones’ melancholy closing
monologue from No Country, we’ve ceased
caring, too.