Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Brigitte Nielsen, Reni
Santoni, Andrew Robinson, Brian Thompson. Rated R.
Feature Presentation:
Strictly for Stallone fans who don’t mind watching their hero in thinly veiled
tributes to the grandeur of violence, so long as he’s heavily armed and
collecting corpses. The acting is appropriately understated, given the film’s
basic lack of dialogue, but there is something strangely fascinating about the
story of a serial killer bent on reducing the world to sparsely populated
cult by killing one Los Angeles resident at a time. It’s numbing in its
stupidity, but also brazenly un-American in its contempt for the legal system,
and law enforcement in general. Still, it gives Stallone a chance to flex his
mostly concealed muscles as a toothpick-chewing tough guy with a talent for
hunting psychos; Brigitte Nielsen pouts with aesthetically pleasing
Bonus Materials:
George P. Cosmatos, who also directed Tombstone and
First Blood Part II, provides commentary that
reflects a rather blatant (but understandable) disinterest in the material, while an unilluminating making-of featurette explains
Stallone's moviemaking philosophy thusly: "You can't make the audience a 10-course meal. You make a buffet and let them take
what they want." Still, that doesn't explain Cobra.